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For teams and organisations

For HR staff executives team managers interested professionals and their teams

who want to understand dynamics and patterns in their organisation and move forward.

From friction, frustration and stagnation to flow, harmony and performance. Learning to look systemically and experience a systemic approach is a valuable asset for everyone.

The focus of all training courses is on connection. Gaining insight in the unconscious dynamics creates the ability to move forward and to really connect with each other, with your roots and/or your own talents.

A short introductory systemic workshop

2-day Introduction to working in a systemic way

5-day Advanced training in working in a systemic way.

1-Day Introductory workshop into the TalentCompass

A workshop for professionals to gain insight into their individual talents and how they can bring the team and organisation to a higher level by using their talents.

Using a questionnaire that participants complete on-line, a report is generated that clearly shows where the participants’ talents lie. During the workshop, participants will receive a brief explanation for each of their talents. Usually this creates a party atmosphere of recognition! With this knowledge, participants can further develop in their work and career in a way that suits them best and matches their talents, making this development easier.

Customised training programme

1-day Workshop