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Enriching presents in 2025 

‘Really glad you came over!’, she texts me. Wow! I am also glad I did it: without knowing who lives there, I called at her house. For our local magazine I interview internationals. Her house was decorated. From a good, Indian friend I knew about the Diwali festival, the festival of light, and I assumed that the decoration was because of Diwali.  My assumption was right.

A very warm welcome followed with a very enriching, connecting conversation.

That is what it’s all about for me: connection and feeling connected. In more ways, not only literally. Also, personally and in business. Fortunately, the connections in my body still are recovering from my broken back -my ‘core’- and the operation in South-Africa.

Enabling others to reconnections is also the core of my work.

Connections in individuele coaching programs where people have lost contact with themselves, experience stress or want to take new steps but have the feeling that they are ‘stuck’. It remains so beautiful to notice that they experience tranquillity and are able to take the steps after all, knowing better in what direction.


Connections between teams and/or team members who have lost each other. ‘I am so grateful for what happened today, a team leader said recently after a team coaching. Wow, what a beautiful compliment, I was speechless…

Connections, transcultural: I am allowed to coach teams/organisations that struggle with the effects of migration. Transcultural doesn’t necessarily mean international migration. Changes in culture by a takeover, merger, new insights of management, also have their influence and may cause fuss, hassle if they haven’t been taken care of well. It is so fascination and rewarding to coach in these situations.

Connections between people of different cultures, intercultural. One aspect of this is that I am allowed to give Brainport school students an introduction into systemic, intercultural aspects considering the international growth of our region. It is-great also the students find 😊!

Plus, I gather it important: creating awareness and more knowledge about each other to provide for a safer environment in our society as – a small but positive- counterbalance against polarisation, coarsening and threats from violence and war. This also is the reason why I interview the internationals and why I am organising connecting activities with them.

Finally, regularly people ask me to  speak at international meetings. What an honour! From my systemic, international specialisation, I try to connect in those meetings as well.

I am very grateful for the trust people have in me in all these activities.

Feeling connected is a primary necessity of life, it enlargers your world and can even be lifesaving. Being connected in a healthy way with your roots, yourself and your surroundings.

Plus, if you are able to open up for others, to see the other really, entirely, it is really enriching. Any prejudices will disappear. You give yourself and the other a magnificent gift.

I wish you many such enriching and magnificent presents in 2025!

Warm regards, Manon

Meester in Coaching